- Prof. Yuji Sugita, Chief Scientist at RIKEN, Japan visited our lab and gave a talk.
- Six members of our lab will present their research at the “From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology 2014” conference in Gdańsk. Joanna Trylska is an invited speaker, Filip Leonarski will present his research during a CBSB Outstanding Young Researcher talk and Marta Kulik will have a 15 minute long presentation. Others from our group present their research as posters.
- Our group participated in the “Meet the ribosome” symposium, with presentation of prof. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (2009 Nobel Prize in chemistry) on achievements and future challanges in ribosome structural studies.
- Marta Dudek was awarded funding by National Science Centre in the PRELUDIUM call. Congratulations!
May 2014
Posted in News.