- Zofia and Sapna attended Central European Symposium on Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Resistance CESAR 2012 in Primosten in Croatia. Sapna gave a talk on targeting ribosomal RNA.
- Joanna T. and Joanna P. participated in Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry 2012 conference.
Category Archives: News
July 2012
Richard Henchman from the Institute of Biotechnology at Manchester University visted our lab.
June 2012
Joanna T. and Julia attended the ISQBP 2012 President’s meeting Challenges in biomolecular modeling – from QM to coarse-graining, taking place in Stokholm, Sweden and gave talks.
Maciej J. received a special distinction in the fourth edition of the Polish Society for Bioinformatics contest for the best master’s thesis in bioinformatics. Congratulations!
Filip’s project entitled “Coarse-grained molecular dynamics of RNA thermometers at elevated temperatures” has been awarded funding by the National Science Centre in the PRELUDIUM call. Congratulations!
May 2012
- Joanna T. gave a talk at the Cecam workshop in Lausanne.
- Joanna P. visited Martin Zacharias Lab at Technische Univeristat Munchen and gave a seminar for his group.
- Marta D., Marta K. and Maciej J. took part in the 5th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society in Gdańsk.
- Marta D. achieved a special distinction in the Girls of the Future competition organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Elle magazine.
- Paweł attended the PRACE Spring School in Cracow.
- Nathalie Reuter (University of Bergen) visited our group and gave a seminar.
April 2012
Karol Langer from Leiden University came our Lab and gave a talk: Molecular interactions, quantum chemistry, nanocomposites, mesoscale.
March 2012
- Joanna T. and Filip participated in 243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Expositions, San Diego.
- Joanna T. visited Universite de Lyon and gave a talk.
February 2012
Marta K. attended the Mini-School on Advanced Simulation Methods for Bio-molecular Systems, Nordita, Stockholm.
January 2012
- Joanna Sarzyńska from Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań visited our lab and gave a talk.
- Starting January 1st 2012 our lab has changed affiliation. We are now a part of the Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw.
- Joanna P. organized the Tripos software training.
December 2011
Joanna T. participated in Protein and RNA Structure Prediction Conference 2011, which took place in Cancun, Mexico.
November 2011
Julia received Scopus-Perspektywy Young Research Award 2011 – an award for outstanding young Polish researchers, funded by Elsevier, the international scientific publisher, and Perspektywy Foundation, Polish foundation for education. photo
- Filip visited NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, our Team project research partner.
- Julia, Joanna P., Marta D., Filip, Maciej J. and Tomek participated in Multi-Pole Approach to Structural Biology, Warsaw. Joanna T. gave a lecture: Bacterial ribosomal A-site RNA as a molecular target.