Targeting neutrophil peripheral membrane proteins: novel therapeutic avenues in chronic inflammatory diseasesChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory life-style disease mostly caused by smoking of cigarettes, but also by exposure to biochemical agents. In Poland the prevalence of COPD patients is estimated to 2 millions, making it the third most common chronic disease. There is no treatment that significantly improves lung function or decreases mortality. Hence there is a need for new therapeutic avenues in the treatment of COPD, but also other chronic inflammatory diseases. Proteinase 3 is a neutrophil serine protease involved in proteolytic degradation of extra-cellular matrix proteins and it has been reported to be a drug target in a number of chronic inflammatory diseases.Objectives
The objective of this proposal is to develop compounds that can form the basis for new therapeutics for chronic pulmonary diseases by targeting protein-protein interactions between neutrophil serine proteinase proteinase 3 and phospholipid scramblase 1.
Project Promoter: University of Warsaw, Centre of New Technologies (Joanna Trylska, Maciej Długosz)
Project Partner: University of Bergen (Nathalie Reuter)
Project period: May 2013 – April 2017
Funding: Polish–Norwegian Research Programme operated by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (2009–2014) in the frame of project contract POL-NOR/198939/13/2013