- Joanna T. will be a co-organizer of a Cecam workshop “Dynamics of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions: Integrating Simulations with Experiments”. The workshop will take place September 14-16, 2011 in Zurich.
- Julia is back from her three month stay at the University of Bergen in Dr. Nathalie Reuter’s group.
- Joanna T. received the University of Warsaw Rector’s award for research achievements.
Category Archives: News
October 2010
Joanna T., Maciej D. and Paweł attended the “Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm 2” in Heidelberg (Germany).
September 2010
Joanna T. attended the CG Royal Society Kavli scientific meeting, Chicheley Hall, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.
August 2010
- We are looking for post-doc to work in our lab. More details
- Joanna T. and Filip attended the EURASNET Interdisciplinary Focus Meeting “Frontiers in Structural Biology of RNAs and RNPs” in Poznań.
- Karine Voltz from Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg (Germany) visited our Lab and gave a talk.
July 2010
- Maciej D., Katrzyna and Maciej J. attended the „Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials” conference in Wroclaw. Maciej J. was awarded for the poster in undergraduate student category. Congratulations!
- Joanna T. attended the “Coarse-Grained Modeling of Structure and Dynamics of Biomacromolecules” meeting in Telluride, USA.
- Julia’s PhD project was also recognized by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and she will be awarded funding for the final stage of her PhD studies.
June 2010
- Julia Romanowska received an Individual Mobility Grant from the Scholarship and Training Fund. The three-month research project will be conducted at the University of Bergen, Norway.
- Maciej D., Dariusz, Joanna P., Katarzyna, Maciej J. and Joanna T. attended the “BioInformatics in Toruń 2010” conference.
May 2010
- Maciej Jasiński was awarded for the best talk at the “1st Conference of Students of Biophysics” organized by the Jagiellonian University and held in Cracow.
- Fabio Trovato from NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa visited our Lab.
April 2010
- Congratulations to Katarzyna Kulczycka who received the best presentation award at the spring graduate student convention of the Polish Chemical Society.
- Tomasz Wituła visits the research groups of Prof. Cameron Mura and Linda Columbus at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, USA.
March 2010
Marta Dudek joined the lab as a student in the Team project.
February 2010
Pawel Zielinski joined the lab as a software developer.