February 2020

Marcin defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations! He will now head on to Sweden for an EMBO fellowship.

November 2019

The group of prof. Yuji Sugita from RIKEN visited our lab and we held a joint workshop on molecular dynamics based binding free energy calculations, post-processing of trajectories and force field development.

October 2019

  • Monika received the Miniatura grant from the National Science Centre. Congratulations!
  • We invite participants for a workshop on molecular dynamics based binding free energy calculations, post-processing of trajectories and force field development, November 20th – 22nd in Warsaw, Poland. You will learn how to model, simulate, and analyze complex biomolecular systems using GENESIS (GENeralized-Ensemble SImulation System), MINT (Motif Identifier for Nucleic acids Trajectory), and RedMDStream. The workshop includes hands-on sessions and time for individual consultations with developers from RIKEN, Japan, and from University of Warsaw, Poland. Please see the program here.

June 2019

Joanna T. continues her sabbatical visit at University of California San Diego with a 3 month funding awarded by the Kosciuszko Foundation.

February 2019

Joanna T. and Natalia gave talks at the CECAM workshop in Lausanne, Switzerland. The workshop was on “Multiscale Modeling from Macromolecules to Cell: Opportunities and Challenges of Biomolecular Simulations”.

January 2019

  • Our research on the cover of Chemical Communications! An image presenting our recent publication with Prof. Gryko’s lab was selected for one of the covers of the Chem. Commun. journal!
  • Ka-Shu Fung from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and the group of prof. Timor Baasov is visiting our lab.
  • Agnieszka Popielec joined our lab as a post-doc and she will work in the Opus project. Welcome!

October 2018

Marcin started his stay in Northeastern University in Boston as a part of his Fulbright fellowship.

September 2018

  • Prof. Michael Feig visited our lab again!
  • Joanna T. started her sabbatical visit at the University of California, San Diego as a result of receiving the Fulbright Senior Award.