- Joanna T. presented the work on vitamin B12 conjugates and L-RNA at the American Chemical Society Meeting in Washington DC.
- There is an article in the Biophysicist in Profile section of the August issue of the newsletter of Biophysical Society about Joanna T. Congratulations!
Category Archives: News
June 2017
- Maciej J. defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Physics and obtained a Ph.D. degree in physics. Congratulations!
- Joanna T. presented a poster about our recent Biochimie paper at the RNA Society Meeting in Prague.
May 2017
- Our group recieved the OPUS 12 grant from the National Science Centre to study the effects of crowding on enzymatic activities and dynamics of different viral proteases.
- Joanna T., Ksenia, Agnieszka, and Joanna M. participated in Biomolecules and Nanostructures 6 conference in Podlesice, Poland. Ksenia gave an oral presentation, Agnieszka and Joanna M., presented a poster. Agnieszka won a poster prize for the PhD student – congrats!
- Prof. Michael Feig from Michigan State University is visiting us again for about a month.
April 2017
Joanna T. presented a poster at the American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition in San Francisco.
February 2017
Tomek Pieńko presented a poster at the Biophysical Society Meeting in New Orleans and visited the lab of prof. Cameron Mura at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
January 2017
- Marta K. defended her thesis entitled “Interactions of aminoglycoside antibiotics with ribosomal RNA and riboswitches” and obtained a PhD degree in chemistry. Congratulations!
- Maciej J. started his Etiuda fellowship in Prof. Michael Feig group at the Michigan State University.
December 2016
Ksenia gave a talk at a conference on the MemThera project held in Cracow and organized by NCBiR and Research Council of Norway within the polish-norwegian research programme.
November 2016
- Kasia K. defended her thesis and obtained a PhD degree in chemistry. Congratulations!
- Joanna T. received a silver medal from the university Chancellor for the 200th anniversary of the University of Warsaw.
September 2016
- Prof. Yuji Sugita visited our lab in the last week of September.
- Prof. Michael Feig from Michigan State University will spend one month in our lab. He was awarded the A. von Humboldt fellowship from the Foundation for Polish Science.
July 2016
Our former visitor, Jaime Ivan Castillo, a high school student from Tijuana, Mexico, gives an interview about his trip to Poland and work in our lab.