June 2016

  • Marta K. presented a poster at the RNA Society Meeting in Kyoto, Japan.
  • Maciek J. received the Etiuda fellowship from the National Science Centre. Congratulations! His application was 6th out of 85 received.
  • Prof. Chia-en Chang from University of California Riverside, USA, visited our lab.

May 2016

  • Congratulations to Ksenia for gaining funding for her research in an internal competition of the University of Warsaw for young researchers and PhD students.
  • Monika presented a poster and Joanna T. gave a talk at a workshop “RNA: Structure, Dynamics, and Function” at Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy.
  • Prof. Kathleen Hall from Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA, visited our lab.
  • Marta K. attended JCUP VII OpenEye’s meeting in Tokyo, Japan.

April 2016

  • Congratulations to Jaime for the second place in the best poster competition at The 5th Intercollegiate Biotechnology Symposium “Symbioza” held at Warsaw University of Technology!
  • Marta K. gave a talk at the RCAST, University of Tokyo, Japan.
  • Joanna T. visited prof. Yuji Sugita at RIKEN and prof. Kei Yura at Ochanomizu Women’s University in Japan.
  • Zofia D. and Marcin R. organized a workshop at our lab for high school pupils.

March 2016

Prof. Michael Feig was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Polish Honorary Research Fellowship by the Foundation for Polish Science to spend three months in our lab and collaborate on a project on thermal stability of RNA and PNA duplexes. His first visit will be this September.

February 2016

  • Joanna T. attended a workshop at the University of Toronto at the Fields Institute. The workshop was a part of thematic programme on MultiScale Scientific Computing.
  • Marta Kulik was awarded FY2016 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (Short-Term) for North American and European Researchers.

January 2016

  • Filip Leonarski defended his PhD Thesis titled “Coarse-grained models for molecular dynamics of RNA. Evolutionary algorithm optimization of the potential energy function parameters”. Congratulations!
  • Marta Kulik went for a 9 month visit to the laboratory of prof. Yuji Sugita (RIKEN, Japan).

December 2015

Joanna Trylska gave a lecture at the conference Protein Interactions in Biology at the National University of Ireland in Galway.

November 2015

Ksenia is visiting the lab of prof. Nathalie Reuter at the University of Bergen in Norway.

September 2015

  • Nathalie Reuter and Tom Venken from the University of Bergen visited our lab and gave talks.
  • Jaime Ivan Castillo from Tijuana in Mexico joined the lab for a one year internship. He will stay one year in Warsaw as a student of the Rotary International exchange program. Welcome!
  • Marta Kulik gave a short talk and Marta Dudek presented a poster in Lausanne at the Computational Advances in Drug Discovery conference. Marta Kulik was awarded for the best short talk presentation. Congratulations!
  • Ksenia and Monika participated in 23rd Polish Peptide Symposium in Spała. Ksenia gave a lecture and Monika presented a poster.
  • Marta Kulik gave a talk in Lublin at the 8th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society.