We received funding in the Symfonia call of the National Science Centre. The funding is for interdisciplinary research and we collaborate with dr hab. Dorota Gryko, the PI from the Institute of Organic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences.
Category Archives: News
June 2014
- We have moved. The lab is in a nice new building at Banacha 2c. We are on the 4th floor with a nice view over the campus and the city.
- Marcin Równicki is now a PhD Student at the Inter-Faculty Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies in Natural Sciences and Mathematics (MISDoMP). Congratulations!
- Marta Kulik will present her research at the IV EURO WG Conference on Operational Research in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine in Poznań – Biedrusko.
May 2014
- Prof. Yuji Sugita, Chief Scientist at RIKEN, Japan visited our lab and gave a talk.
- Six members of our lab will present their research at the “From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology 2014” conference in Gdańsk. Joanna Trylska is an invited speaker, Filip Leonarski will present his research during a CBSB Outstanding Young Researcher talk and Marta Kulik will have a 15 minute long presentation. Others from our group present their research as posters.
- Our group participated in the “Meet the ribosome” symposium, with presentation of prof. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (2009 Nobel Prize in chemistry) on achievements and future challanges in ribosome structural studies.
- Marta Dudek was awarded funding by National Science Centre in the PRELUDIUM call. Congratulations!
March 2014
Monika Wojciechowska joined the lab in the OPUS project from the National Science Centre. She will work on peptide nucleic acids. Welcome!
February 2014
Kasia and Asia P. recieved the scholarships from the Mazovian district to support Mazovian PhD students. Congratulations!
January 2014
Ksenia Maximova joined our lab as a post-doc in the MemThera project (Norway grants). Welcome in our group.
December 2013
Filip received a scholarship in the 3rd edition of the Mobility Plus programme by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for a 2 year research visit to the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Strasbourg, France to work on a more physical, yet efficient representation of magnesium(II) ions for RNA full-atomistic molecular dynamic simulations.
November 2013
- Kasia’s project entitled “Computational study of physicochemical properties of fragment bacterial ribosome and enzymes in the bounding places of lincosamides using computational modelling methods” has been awarded funding by the National Science Centre in the PRELUDIUM call.
- Agnieszka received scholarship in the 5th edition of contest for scholarships for PhD students and young post-docs in Modern University competition. Congratulations! She has also obtained a scholarship from the program “Development of science – the development of the region – supporting scholarships and support for Mazovia doctoral students” co-funded by the European Union under the European Social Fund.
October 2013
- Joanna attended the 51st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan held in Kyoto.
- Julia’s PhD thesis entitled “Comparing physical properties of aminoglycoside antibiotics’ binding sites in RNA and proteins” has been recognized as the best in the fourth PTBI contest for The Best Doctoral Dissertation in Bioinformatics. Congratulations!
September 2013
- Anna Górska defended her MSc thesis entitled “Inhibition of bacterial translation by Peptide Nucleic Acid oligomers targeting the ribosomal RNA”.
- Marek Havrila (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) come to our Lab for two weeks stay. He is working on a joint project with Joanna P.