November 2020

Our lab was awarded two grants from the National Science Centre. One is the Opus grant for the use of bacterial iron transport systems to deliver peptide nucleic acids to bacterial cells. The second one is the Preludium grant awarded to Joanna M. to work on her ribozyme project. Congratulations!

July 2020

Julia – a new PhD student – will join our lab in October to work in Monika’s Sonata NCN project on aminoglycoside antiobiotics.

June 2020

We are looking for a PhD student to work in Monika’s Sonata project. Details are here.

May 2020

Monika received the Sonata grant in the recent National Science Centre call. Congratulations!

March 2020

Joanna T. gave a talk at the Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2020 conference that was a virtual event organized by Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling University of Warsaw. Tomek, Piotr and Marta K. gave poster-related talks.

February 2020

Marcin defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations! He will now head on to Sweden for an EMBO fellowship.

November 2019

The group of prof. Yuji Sugita from RIKEN visited our lab and we held a joint workshop on molecular dynamics based binding free energy calculations, post-processing of trajectories and force field development.