September 2015

  • Nathalie Reuter and Tom Venken from the University of Bergen visited our lab and gave talks.
  • Jaime Ivan Castillo from Tijuana in Mexico joined the lab for a one year internship. He will stay one year in Warsaw as a student of the Rotary International exchange program. Welcome!
  • Marta Kulik gave a short talk and Marta Dudek presented a poster in Lausanne at the Computational Advances in Drug Discovery conference. Marta Kulik was awarded for the best short talk presentation. Congratulations!
  • Ksenia and Monika participated in 23rd Polish Peptide Symposium in Spała. Ksenia gave a lecture and Monika presented a poster.
  • Marta Kulik gave a talk in Lublin at the 8th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society.

July 2015

  • Tomasz Pieńko joined to our group as a PhD Student to work on molecular dynamics simulations in the Symfonia NCN-funded project. Welcome!
  • Marta K., Ksenia, Marcin and Monika presented their posters and Joanna T. gave a lecture at EMBO Young Scientists Forum in Warsaw.

April 2015

  • Joanna Panecka defended her PhD thesis at the Department of Physics University of Warsaw. Congratulations!. Since January 2015 Joanna P. is working in Heidelberg, Germany in the laboratory of prof. Rebecca Wade.
  • Marta Kulik and Maciej Jasiński presented posters at the RECOMB conference in Warsaw.

March 2015

We are looking for a PhD student in biomolecular modeling and simulation to work on molecular dynamics simulations of complexes of vitamin B12 with membrane proteins in the Symfonia NCN-funded project.

December 2014

  • Congratulations to Maciej J.! His project entitled A series of science films NauTech was awarded funding in the eNgage competition, organized by FNP.
  • Marta K. has presented a poster at The 5th AICS International Symposium in Kobe, Japan.

November 2014

Maciej J. is visiting the lab of prof. Cameron Mura at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, USA.