January 2024

A PhD student from Italy, Rosa, joined our group for 6-month scholarship as a part of her PhD thesis about PNA oligomers. Welcome!

December 2023

Announcement: We are looking for a post-doc experienced in microbiology/molecular biology/biophysics/biochemistry to work on the OPUS project “Making use of siderophore transport systems to deliver peptide nucleic acids to bacterial cells“. Click here for the details and requirements. 

November 2023

Our PhD student Piotr C. received a PRELUDIUM grant from the National Science Center for his work on a hybrid approach for designing new antimicrobial peptides. Congratulations!

October 2023

Announcement: We are looking for a master’s student to work on a research project related to the chemical synthesis of peptide-based molecules. Click here for the details and requirements. Please send your application to m.wojciechowska@cent.uw.edu.pl.

  • Monika received IDUB “New Ideas 3B” funding for a project about searching for antibacterial peptides in phage endolysin structures. Congratulations!
  • Prof. Yuji Sugita from RIKEN visited our lab
  • Gosia has been admitted to the Doctoral School of Natural and Exact Sciences to work on biological membranes and macromolecular crowding in the PRELUDIUM BIS project. Congratulations!

September 2023

  • Congratulations to Włada on the best talk prize for young investigators at the Polish Peptide Symposium in Stare Jabłonki!

  • Gizem joined our team to work on PNA during her 2-month Erasmus scholarship.

August 2023

Our team leader Joanna Trylska gave a talk at the ACS Fall 2023 conference in San Francisco.

July 2023

Congratulations to Iza for the best poster prize at the International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry (RICT 2023) in France!

June 2023

  • Prof. Yuji Sugita from RIKEN visited our lab and together with our team leader Joanna Trylska gave talks at the BioNano8 conference in Cracow
  • We took part in organizing classes for participants of the GIFTED Programme by the Polish Children’s Fund; Michał and Iza conducted scientific workshops on antimicrobial peptides and Monika gave a lecture on designing new antibiotics

March 2023

  • We received the Preludium BIS 4 funding from the National Science Centre. See the announcement.
  • New post-doc, Piotr, joined our group to work on PNA conjugates in OPUS 19. Welcome!

December 2022

On Dec 19, 2022 Natalia defended her PhD thesis “Effects of macromolecular crowding on the activity and dynamics of the NS3/4A protease from the hepatitis C virus. The synergy between experiments and molecular dynamics simulations”. Congratulations!